Daily Archives: 15 July 2011

An Anthem for Anxiety: “Can You Save Me” by Apple Trees & Tangerines

Special thanks to Miss Fae over at Regretsy for pointing this song out today.

This might not have been the intention of the band Apple Trees & Tangerines in writing the song “Can You Save Me,” but it’s not a far stretch to look at the song like this. I think “Can You Save Me” is actually a really good representation of what it’s like to suffer from anxiety.

You don’t know when it’s going to strike. You don’t know what’s going to trigger it. You don’t know what causes it and other people just don’t understand what’s happening. For someone who doesn’t suffer from anxiety, the event that triggered it might have seemed completely benign. But for the person suffering from anxiety, it’s quite clearly the cause.

Here’s the problem with anxiety: the cause could be something like an unexpected phone call. It could be a long line at the coffee shop or traffic on the freeway. It could be going down a particular staircase or a quick comment from a total stranger. You just don’t know what’s going to trigger it and that’s the part that’s hard to wrap your brain around.

Apple Trees & Tangerines get it.

Fresh Ink Online is Offering Free Comics

Fresh Ink Online is G4TV.com’s weekly web series about what is happening in the world of comic books. Blair Butler takes you through the most notable new releases in her local comic shop. It’s a well-produced segment and Butler knows her stuff.

Check out last week’s video that includes the latest Walking Dead and G.I. Joe.

I have found so many interesting graphic novels and comic books to read because of this web series. Now G4TV is partnering with Graphicly, an computerized comic-viewing application, to make this search even easier.