Tag Archive for sketchy comics

What’s Happening at Sketchy Details

Good things, people, not bad things.

The seven day a week posting schedule was an interesting experiment. I cannot sustain it and continue with all of the conventions, media projects, and actual real world work. I’ll be going back to a five day schedule starting today. What it also means is that I can post more content each day and have time to set up the larger projects and video/media content over the weekend.

I’m working on an overhaul of the YouTube page. I just redid all the thumbnails with new templates and put in some orders for intro animations for Sketchy Details @Home, Slipstream, and The Haunting Ground. Slipstream’s is done: simple but effective. I’m working on new graphics and setting up show templates, so to speak, to add more consistency to the programming.

Take Out & Other Stories is available at Smashwords, as well as in the Kindle and Nook stores.

The Preston Files will return in January. I actually do need to build up a buffer just because my schedule can be so inconsistent. Those won’t necessarily be the comics that go up each week, but they will be there if I need them.

There are more things in the works that I’m not ready to reveal yet. I am ready to draw your attention to the brand new Christmas Evil banner, inspired by the most heartwarming Christmas horror film ever created. It’s a holiday classic for the ages.

The Preston Files #3: Dear Marvel Comics

Remember the three day update schedule? I need to get in the swing of two. And by need to get in the swing of two, I realized I have Geek Creation Show this weekend followed by immediately going into tech/dress rehearsals for a show I arranged live music for. It’s going to be a busy few weeks.

Meanwhile, Marvel announced last week that the new Ms. Marvel is a Muslim teenager from NJ with powers similar to Plastic Man–stretching her body to any shape she wants. I knew something big was coming at the NYCC Women of Marvel panel when they called for everyone who could to cosplay as Ms./Captain Marvel and show up. She-Hulk and Black Widow stole a lot of the attention at the panel, but Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (formerly Ms. Marvel) got the biggest stretch of time.

Marvel’s talked about the new Ms. Marvel’s powers. They’ve talked about the importance of her faith and family. But they haven’t addressed how being from Jersey City–a hop, skip, and a jump from me–impacts the character. Preston has a few suggestions, Peanuts style.

The Preston Files #3: Dear Marvel Comics

The Preston Files #2: Catch’em All

The new The Preston Files is up! I’m hoping to fulfill the Monday, Thursday, Saturday schedule I had printed on Moo cards last spring when Strip Search finally convinced me to get my butt in gear and start a new webcomic. Hey, I’m only half a year behind for once. That’s good for me. I got the camera equipment for my YouTube channel last December and only really started in August.

I’m a Pokemon fanatic and I have OCD. You can understand the dilemma. “Gotta catch’em all” isn’t a tagline for me; it’s a lifestyle. It’s why I cannot trust myself to play Skylanders or Disney Infinite. I don’t even trust myself to buy the Nightmare Before Christmas figures for my collection because I’ll feel compelled to buy the game and all the things that go with it. It’s not impulse control. I get anxious if I start a collection and don’t have everything. Shoot, achievements popping up on Steam can peak my anxiety because I know there will be more than one.

Bear with the quality. I need to figure out the best way to scan 9×12 paper on an 8.5×11 scanner. This is photography and a whole lot of photo editing to make it look as good as it does.

Read “Catch’em All” here.


New Food Don’t Go Stale in Space is up and it’s one of my favorites.

I’m obsessed with people who obsess over writer’s block like it’s the worst thing in the world. I’m even more obsessed with people who romanticize writer’s block and martyr themselves to the cause.

This is the comic that introduces the third member of the trio, Julia, who gets my favorite storyline further into the series.

So what are you waiting for? Click on over for the new FDGSIS.

The Week in Media: Saying Goodbye

I had a strange little comic planned for today inspired by my experience on MyndJack Radio Idol. Everything was all set to go on Thursday night during the results show. The last detail was whether I won or loss. It would have been a sarcastic little bit about the fleeting nature of reality TV fame and how winning is just as bad as losing when everyone jumps to the next big thing.

Then the hosts of MyndJack Radio announced that Thursday night’s episode would be the show’s last.

Read all about my reaction and see the full comic here.